What is Stress?
The prolonged accumulation of frustration, conflict, and anxiety is stress. When unresolved, stress can turn into depression. How do you find your stress threshold?
No one is an exception to stress. Everybody gets their turn in experiencing traumatic moments. It is not about avoiding but aligning stressful situations towards self-growth opportunities.
Each of us has a specific threshold for emotion and stress. When our bodies and minds surpass this threshold, we begin to fall apart. So, it is essential to recognize our threshold levels through self-awareness and recognizing our trigger points.
How to remove stress naturally?
Stress requires management, not treatment....most of the time. Stress management helps us evolve, transcend and grow. So instead of circumventing it, face it. When you learn to turn the distress into good stress, you will be more stable, calm, and attain inner peace of mind. Not sure where to start? Consider these four ways!
1. Open Up To Your Tribe
When you feel like you're about to lose it, find your tribe—friends, family, relatives, anybody with whom you trust. Research shows that having a tribe is good for our mental and emotional health. Talk it out.

Expose your vulnerability. When you are around another human, who can hear your venting, it automatically solves the first step of distress—the ability to talk about your stressors. It opens your mind to a keen observation: looking for opportunities to grow your emotional quotient.
2. Food Indirectly Influences Mood
Eat things that will keep your brain alive and fresh. A good supply of oxygen to the body indirectly calms your brain. Oxygen has a persuasion effect on looking at the brighter side of the story. Eat natural, home-cooked food. Drink lots of water (96 ounces) during these times. Hydration also is a shortcut to lowering the high levels of emotional stress to healthy levels.
3. Connect With Earth

Say bye to technology for most of the day and relax with nature. Take a quiet walk in the neighborhood, beach, or at a park. The idea is to pull your brain away from the mundane routine and see things like the sky, birds, and the fresh smell of grass.
This method works faster than everything else because we humans are already part of the natural ecosystem.
4. Exercise the Brain
Exercising supports your mental health more than you think. It guides you into the path of self-awareness which in turn increases your threshold and resilience. Also, exercising is an experience for your brain. When the brain experiences a fresh pump of blood flow, it enhances its quality of functioning too. Try exercising at least three to four times per week.
An important point in stress management is not to deny your emotions but channel them in healthy ways. Try to include at least one of these four ways into your weekly schedule.